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Monday, August 5, 2013

5 Reasons Why You Wouldn't Need a Wedding Planner

There's lots of conversation about wedding planners out there today, pros and cons as to whether you might want to hire one.  I've listed a number of reasons that will let you know that you don't need a wedding coordinator.

1.  If you have unlimited minions.  You have people at you beck and call that will take care of all of the hundreds of  minute details that tend to come along with a wedding.


2.  Your minions will be able to complete all  necessary tasks without direction from you.
Your minions will have access to a list of the best and most appropriate vendors that you could possibly  need.

3.  If you have a group of family members that will have the time and will provide the effort to come hours
 before the wedding to make sure that all of the tables are set properly, that the reception flowers are delivered and set up, the bar is stocked, favors are placed, cake is delivered and decorated properly, etc etc.

4.  The minions will be adept at pinning corsages and boutonnieres, finding members of wedding party and lining them up for both rehearsal and the big day.

5.  And lastly, said family members/friends will be willing to stay late to pack up all of the left over favors, pick up the containers, linens, and generally put the room back in order.  This will entail  missing any  after wedding festivities that have been planned,  not to mention that the family/friends partied at the rehearsal dinner, got  up at the crack of dawn (to help set up) and have danced and drank for hours and they are still willing to help with tear down.

If you have a faithful group willing to do all  these things for you, then you really don't need a wedding planner.
 Good luck and have fun with your wonderful event.

1 comment:

Mark Kingsdorf, MBC said...

LOVE it! All very true.....